Monday, July 10, 2006


Have you ever felt that you were just trapped? No, trapped is too easy, I need a stronger word...imprisoned. Have you ever felt imprisoned? As if you were going to die shackled to some wall next to dusty skeletons who have suffered similar fates. Well, that's what it's like working in an office. There are no windows. There is no hope. Instead, you're surrounded by people as miserable and bitter as you are, if not more so. And you're always being watched. By whom, no one really knows. But trust in the fact that someone is watching you, somewhere at sometime. I wouldn't mind the dull grey decor, the false smiles covering up deep-seeded resentment for anyone with a sliver of joy, or even the wave of sickness I feel when I realize that I have all the potential in the world but am filing it away in alphabetized drawers. What really gets me is working 40 hours a week, minus five hours for lunch, plus overtime, and still not being able to afford to eat. Or buy drugs. And by eat, I mean buy drugs. What really pisses me off is getting paid on Friday and being broke on Monday. And people telling you that it doesn't get any better. Then what the hell am I working for? I want to live not merely exist, to paraphrase the Prophet, Stevie Wonder. But I'm 20 and I can't really do anything else. Only wait. Wait and hope that things do get better and that I can finally live in a solid gold treehouse, just like I dreamt of as a kid.

Okay, that's a lie. I never dreamt of that as a kid, but it sounds pretty badass, huh?

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