Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Impotence of Being Earnest, Part 2

Saturday was fine. At least on the surface. See, we were (p.s. I saw the biggest fanny pack ever on the subway today, like a backpack-sized tumor on the crotch)planning on getting acid that day, but the e had worn us down. And in the hope of not appearing as some sort of drug addicts, we decided to go on Sunday. So, after sleeping off our ecstasy haze, we said, "Hey," how 'bout some iHop. Then we went shopping, I got an adorable vest and sassy shorts at H&M, but Karma and I had to leave to meet Dharma at her friend's party. An adult party at that--like, there was no one under 28 there. AKA, booze was flowing from the sidewalk. As was my drool by the time I left. Upon leaving, Karma and I had to run to the supermarket to grab an ice cream cake for this little girl for whom Dharma was throwing a little get-together. I don't remember much from that time, except eating that cake--shit was good, gurl. And shit was also in the freezer the following least til Karma and I found it. During the party, we snuck away to smoke a blunt then I think I fell asleep. TYo be honest, I'm not quite sure what happened Saturday night, but we did go back to the adult party, drank some more, I think we met up with Dick and Harvey--oh yes, we did. We went to Tessa's bar where she was bartending. Yet another well-lit sports bar with tacky girls and fat men, but at least there was a pool table. I add that as if it was a saving grace, but it was only a malformed transition. We left the bar after some pool and headed back to Harvey's. Before I proceed with this section of the sotry, I must mention that Karma and I shared some Hydrocodones before drinking--a bad idea. Karma ended up throwing up on her cute little floral top, on her jeans, a bit in her bag and then finally into the garbage can. I had Harvey and Dick hold her hair back as I was busy being lazy and fucked up. Harvey cleaned her up and gave her a change of clothes and by 4:30-ish, Karma was ready to drive home. Magically, we weren't killed en route.

Sunday was the day all joy turned to bloody, curdling bullshit. Upon waking up at 2 or so, Karma called Dick to find out what time he and Harvey wanted to get the acid. Apparently, neither of them wanted to do it now, despite the fact that they had no problem doing it several times in the previous weeks. Whatev. Karma and I decided that since our plans for the day, hunting down some drugs, was kaput, we'd stay in, smoke some blunts and watch "Next" on MTV. I always love the gay "Next"s. The guys always end up making out in the bus--but once the cameras are off, I'm pretty sure there's an orgy. It's California, it's hot and they're gay--what more do you need for some multi-man fun? Well, perhaps Jose Cuervo and a speedo. While engrossed in "Next," we periodically called Harvey and Dick to see what they wanted to do. And honestly, Karma and I still wanted to do acid so we were hoping of scoring some. By 5, we had finished our lethargy marathon and had finally got into contact with Harvey and Dick. Oh, but that's not how it went down--at least according to some people. By "not calling" them, Karma and I had hurt their feelings. Sad face. We had been "using" them only to get acid. Karma and I were being assholes because we were ignoring Harvey and Dick. Dick, please.

After explaining several times that we weren't ignoring them, just stoned and lazy, Karma and I met the two boys at the Winchester. Pleasantries were exchanged, but Dick was being a, well, dick. When you snatch money out of someone's hand, claiming it as your own, you don't come off in the best light. I could care less as to the validity of your argument, but that's just plain rude. And that's just what Dick did to Karma. I was certainly not in the mood for this, as I was already pissed at the fact that Dick of all people would accuse anyone of being a user. Should I pull out the scrapbook of the last twor three years, clearly displaying Dick spending Karma's money, sleeping in her bed, eating her food, smoking her weed, talking to me like we're friends. Yet, I digress. Harvey, too. Before he came into some money, he was just as broke and just as much as a user as Dick...but I let that go. It was July 4th weekend, why can't we all just get along, no?

Hell no. Things just got weirder and more fucked up from that point on. Dick continued to display his prowess at fucking shit up, so Karma and I left, taking Harvey with us. We ended up in Rite Aid because I needed some face wash to combat these enlarged pores and oily skin. We met up with Dick again, still beating that donkey bit into the ground, so Karma suggested we leave him at the bar. An idea I was completely down for, though she was only "mostly" kidding. This was the moment, from what I understand, that triggered the shit storm. Harvey, supposedly, hates it when people ask him to choose between his friends, i.e. "Dick" and "Karma and I." He certainly didn't have this problem before when he wanted to ditch Dick in the past, but who am I to judge two-faced dochebaggery? I'm not angry,though. Far from it. I'm fucking pissed. But on with the story. Karma and I ended up just leaving Harvey and Dick behind since the whole "let's be friends" thing wasn't working that day. Still, though, we called them later that night to see if they wanted to hang out. No dice. Their phones continued to ring, uninterrupted.

Monday morning came and Dharma predicted this would be the day of assholes. Mother Nautre was holding her part of the deal up--it poured freezing rain, followed by hail, for about half an hour. I anticipated that we'd be swept away in the torrents, a la New Orleans, so I made a point to get some pot before the Apocalypse came. If I'm going to die, I might as well be high, right? Luckily, we didn't get flooded out of our existence and the sun came out. Tessa and her boyfriend, Jay, came by to hang out a bit, then Rick, Karma's boyfriend came over. I, single and saucy, pretended like I was waiting for my boyfriend to come over too--but then we left to run errands because I wasn't fooling anyone. The conflict between the two of us and Dick and Harvey only escalated. They continued to ignore our phone calls until Karma finally got in touch with Dick. His warning to us, via Harvey, was to stop calling Harvey's phone because he didn't want to talk to us. Erright. According to Dick, Harvey was mad about "something" that Karma said to him while at Rite Aid, saying that she personally attacked him at one point. That something was the insistence of leaving Dick behind, a decision I still stand by, by the way. Phone calls and accusations flew back and forth, followed by drunken, angry IMs until we were drunk enough to head over to the Winchester, yet again, to confront Dick and Harvey. Dick, being the stand-up guy he is, maintained his and Harvey's position that they were the victim's here--attempting to make Karma and I feel as if we had literally shat upon them. Something you should know, just for future reference, Dick is never wrong. In his mind, obviously altered as it is, everyone else is always in error, no matter the situation. He's one of those people that just keeps talking nonsensically for hours until you get tired of them and just leave. Why Karma dated him for as long as she did, I do not know. While Dick was explaining his head off, Harvey remained quiet at the bar. I didn't want to be around either of them--as from that day on, they no longer exist to me except as fodder for blog posts--I spoke to no one. Honestly,I was only there to back Karma up should she go off the handle and start kicking people in the jaw. Wouldn't be the first--or last--time.

Karma continued to argue/talk to Harvey and Dick, trying to find out why they decided to be such huge, gaping assholes all of a sudden. I think somehow, I'm involved. Dick, whether he meant to or not, always ruined my trips back to Poughkeepsie and this time was no exception. I refuse, however, to have him ruin the next trip because I will bite his fucking face off. And that's Karma's 21st birthday. I passed out along the way, drunk off Southern Comfort and vodka cranberries. I did wake up in time to hear Karma crying on the phone, presumably to Dick or Harvey. And how did we get here again?

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