Friday, July 21, 2006

Love on the Dot-Com: Am I Here Again?

So it looks as if the tall guy's blown me off. I thought we had what I thought was a good date and went around excitedly telling everyone about it, but it seems he went home and forgot I existed. I asked him out on Tuesday for a second date on Friday--I was even going to cook and we were going to get baked, all very cute--but he made an excuse about work and said he'd let me know the next day. Since I'm new to this dating bull, it took me a while to figure out that that actually means I don't want anything to do with you. When he responded the next day that he had a party to go to, without any offer to reschedule or anything else for that matter, I still refused to believe. It turns out I wasn't even going to be around on Friday since I'm going upstate to celeberate Karma's 21st birthday, i.e. getting trashed and falling down stairs repeatedly. I asked him if he wanted to reschedule, to which I heard the chirping of one solitary, virgin cricket. Well, I get it now. Thanks, world. I guess I have to dust myself off and try again, but I'm already over dating. Can't I just be rich and famous already? That way the dick will just come flying at me from all corners of the globe and I'll be more than happy to catch them with my open mouth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

celebrity fly by dicks they call them.. it's really wonderful.. i've only dreamed..
<3 karma