Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Erotic, Erotic - - Put Your Hands All Over My Body...

I love the warmth. The warmth of spring. The warmth of a mother's love. The warmth of a bulging man rock in my mouth as I massage it up and down with my cocksure tongue. Almost choking a bit. But I'm a pro, I haven't thrown up unvolunteerily in over 2 years.

The day started off as any other. I blindly threw my alarm clock across the room, hitting Kitten Kiboodle, the maid, in the temple. Amid cries of "Oh, I can't see anything!" and "Sir, could you please call the doctor," I somehow managed to put together an outfit for the day. Stepping over her limp body, I ordered Kitty to run the bath, iron the clothes I had set out and prepare breakfast. Those bumps were particularly well cut today and I let Kitty know, but she simply nodded her ursine head and skulked back to her business, clutching the ice pack my tennis/swimming/gymnastics/aerobics instructor, Poli, had provided her with.

Mysteriously feeling a bit lackluster about 15 minutes or so after breakfast, I decided to take a nap. However, Poli had other ideas as I woke up with his magnificent, steely left pec jammed uvula deep in my mouth. It was time for swimming.

Poli was something of a conundrum to me. A six-foot, three bronze god built only of rippling muscle and baby lotion, he was about as smart as a three year old child but hung like a thirty year old porn star. I loved him like one man can only love another man, but his presence infuriated me to no end. He was always running around, sticking things where they didn't belong and due to the extreme size of most of those things, a professional oft had to be called to the house. And how I disdain people! But standing by the Super Olypmic-sized pool, dripping from every square inch of his body with chlorine, bursting through that tiny little black speedo, grinning broadly as if it were his last day in rehab, I felt nothing but love. And a huge erection in my pants. Thus swimming lessons were pre-empted for the moment.

Next: "I Once Caught A Fish THIS Big..."

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