Thursday, April 20, 2006

Digging My Way Out of the Trenches

Life, as you all know, is riddled with peaks and valleys. The peaks can often get so high you forget how low you were, even if it was only a few days ago. Riding the gnarliest waves of success can leave you unprepared for wiping out in the cruel blue crush of...okay, I lost my way with this stupid surfing analogy. The point is, even when everything seems to be going right, it is best to remember that they can fall apart at any minute. How did I get here?

Conversely, when you're down for the count, what hope is left in your soul? When all you can see for miles are the footprints of your failure, there IS no path to success. Then suddenly....It's all very slow. The road evens out, elevates and next thing you know you're looking out at the world below you and opportunity flows, seemingly, from everywhere and nowhere all at once. How did I get here?

I won't go into details, as it is too early to tell, but for the first time in months (years? decades? fashion eras?) I feel as if things are looking up for me. A part of me is excited at the prospect of regaining my autonomy. If there's one thing I hate, it's depending on anyone for anything. Yet, another part of me is afraid that this is another false safety net and should I continue this high-wire act, there's nothing there to catch me. Wow, I'm really into these mataphors today. Still another, the more bombastic part of me, is ready to take whatever life hands me and run as far as these tremendous gams can take me. How did I get here?

I'm here because of stupid decisions, regrettable mistakes, fortunate mishaps and a dash of destiny. That's solved. The more important matter at hand is, where will I go from here? If I have learned from any of those decisions, et al , which I think I have, anywhere and everywhere. The world is so vast and I'm so young and ALL that good shit. Right now, I don't really care where I'm going, just as long as I have fun on the way.

HAPPY 420, KIDS!!!

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