Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Desire Beats Ruthlessly

Desire beats ruthlessly at my chest
Sensations and sensations crawl within me
My skin tightens, my senses sharpen
I am feral, wild, vicious, unrelenting
Driven mad by passions uncontrolled
Mad by passions never realized
My sleep is restless and violently so
Rabidly clawing at pillows in semi-consciousness
The desperation clinging to me like sweat
I lurch forward, awake but dreaming
Forcefully grab hold of myself and rage
Rage at the loneliness, the emptiness, the cold
Once the rapture has risen and released itself
The air dims and stills as the quiet intrudes
The world is paler
Having lost its glossy coat of impossible beauty
And again revealing its true, Godless face
Reproachfully I sink back to sleep
Meekly content and aching for another’s hands

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