Thursday, August 03, 2006

I Don't Much Care for Women

I mean, really, what are they good for? Yes, tits are nice and for some reason the snatch is appealing to some. But if you ask me it looks like day-old lunch meat. Now, don't misunderstand, I don't hate women--far from it. The greatest beards and hags of my life have been female. It's the idea of women that gets me down. Yesterday, walking through the Loisaida, I saw a bevy of attracvtive, queere-esque men holding hands and getting handsy with whom I suppose were their girlfriends. It's not just an aesthetically queer appearance, you see, but also their mannerisms. It's a special something that I can't always put my finger on but would nevertheless would enjoy fingering. Now, I'm willing to leave well enough alone, but a pang of jealousy shoots through me everytime I see these couplings. I mean, are there no gay men left? Did I miss something where gay guys just suddenly stopped being gay and took up with the fairer sex? Is it the year of living vaginally? *Shudder*. Or am I just completely dillusional? Not gonna lie to ya, the answer probably lies in the last question. However, it is times like these that I wish women would just go away--just stop standing around bleeding from your genitalia and throwing those mammaries around like a baseball. It's not mysogyny--hell, I'm a huge feminist. I would just rather scorch the earth of their presence so I can have all of their men to myself. Is that so bad?

I was thinking of those questionably straight men today as I read an article in the New York Times Style section, sassily titled "When the Beard Is Too Painful to Remove." The article concerns married men who realize/come to grips with the fact that they are gay. They often have homosexual relations outside of their marriage, even a second monogamous relationship--usually with a man in a similar situation. Some choose to end their marriage, however most do not, fearing the end of their domestic life. I have to agree with Bonnie Kaye, ex-beard, current hag (?) interviewed in the article that the decision to stay in a marriage to preserve the idea of that marriage is horribly selfish. In this case, there is more than one person's life at stake: a wife, kids, other family members. It's a sicky situation but it requires courage and the willingness to be truthful in order to overcome it. But just imagine having to tell your wife of 25 years that her vagina repulses you. Aaawwkwaaarrrd. There is a definte possiblity she may hate you that your kids may hate you and that Paul Lynde may hate you. But Paul Lynde hates everyone. However, I've always considered honesty with yourself to be one of the most important things in life as well as a sign of maturity. I know and I admit that I'm a bitchy, moody, asshole with a minor drug and alcohol abuse problem. What some consider minor, though, is up for grabs. Anyway, I'm getting off topic here. My point is, it is sad there are men in these situations, even sadder that there are women who, unbeknownst to them, are in these situations and sadder still that this situation still occurs in a society supposedly far more progressive than the age of Rock Hudson and Monty Clift. If Brokeback's taught us anything, it's that two guys in cowboy hats getting it on is hot. And what gay man wouldn't want to be part of that? Drop the ladies and let me have your sweet, bearded love.


Anonymous said...

What a sad, nasty, stupid little misogynist you are. You may think you're not, but you are. It's the comments like just stop standing around bleeding from your genitalia and It's the idea of women that gets me down that give you away.

But if you ask me it looks like day-old lunch meat.
Nobody was asking you, honey. Shut up and go away, and stop posting your horrid moronic crap. If you think you don't hate women, you're delusional.

Ms. Ross said...

I don't hate women, but I certainly hate you. And if you don't like what I write and can't see that I'm being sarcastic, perhaps you should go get knocked up and stop reading my blog then. Have a nice one, Lunch Meat.