Monday, January 09, 2006

Like A Diva From the Ashes of Her Coked Out Nostrils...

Still I rise.

So, my roommates are fucking assholes and i just feel the need to write about it and get it out of my system. This catharsis will inevitably be completed by smoking a spliff and donning a mink stole to perform a fancy jig in the streets.

Then everything will be better once again.

And now that I'm finally out of that unimaginative hell, I can pursue my real dream: to start the first lesbian softball team the world has ever known. Some may call me foolish, i say I'm a visionary. Some may have laughed, but they can stick a snausage in their guffaws, because this guy's got plans!

I can hear Ethel Merman cackling "Everyting's Coming Up Roses" already.

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