Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Is it Too Soon to Crack That Emergency Window?

Every once in a while, I hate New York. But in all fairness, the city really dares you not to. I believe there's a quote about New York being a party that you can't leave, or else you'll miss out on something. I'm not sure where it's from, or even if it's not something I just made up. And I'm really not in the business of researching or verifying facts because I'm not a journalist hell, I'm barely a writer. New York, if anything, however, is a drunken over-the-hill party girl who should have left the party a while ago because, let's face it, no one's going to fuck you tonight. They just don't like you like that. No, don't cry, City That Never Sleeps. But while we're on the subject, you might need to rub some cream under those eyes because it is becoming quite evident how little sleep you've gotten, fair city. It's time to hang up those stilettos, finish that last rail, wipe the man-juice from the corner of your mouth--no, the left side, not my left side, your left side...that's the right side...that's still the right side, there you go-- and just say good night. We won't think any less(er) of you. Sometimes, a gal has to look in the mirror and realizer that her tits aren't at her chin anymore and the bloom's off the rose. Take it like Bea Arthur would. Like a man. (Love you, B! Like to give a shout-out to Betty and Rue. Keep fightin' Estelle I got your back, Homey!))

Today I actually had worked all day. Wow. What is this? Next they're gonna want a bitch to come in on time and sober. But since I was immersed in (the verisimilitude of) productivity*, I couldn't update as often as I did yesterday, that GLORIOUS inaugural day of this "blog"/life partner. Not like I'm apologizing. No one's reading this anyway, not even my friends. My bastard friends. Who couldn't even show one modicum--ha, cum!--of interest in this, my new venture!

I can't blame them, though. "Blogs" are like so 2005. And I'm all about 2009 right now.

After this long day, I got on the subway...FROM HELL!!!


It stopped three times on the way to BK, leaving me stranded with a hulking mass of people--moist, pungent people!--in a fortress from which I could not escape. Angerdly**, I stewed in my seat til I could take it no more. Hence the title. Just thought I'd expand on that.

Because, that's why. Shut up!

*I'm pretty sure I only know what three of these words in this sentence (fragment) mean.

**I'm pretty sure this is a word, at least some language. Maybe Tagolog?

1 comment:

Ms. Ross said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

Marry me?