Tuesday, February 02, 2010

How Long

What price must I pay
Before I am free?
What burden must I bear
Before I am relieved?
How long must I crawl
Before I can fly?
How long must I live
Before I can die?

Shirk off this mortal coil!
And all of its spoils
Naked to life’s designs
Powerless, remain resigned
The winds of change beat against your face
Blowing freely the leaves of fate

I’m brain-dead
Confused, dejected
My feelings all agitated
The air’s been let out
A life deflated
A hunger for love

Extinguish this hot longing!
Find a new song to sing
A different melody and tone
One you can sing all alone
Steel yourself against the cold of the night
And blind yourself to love at first sight

What price must I pay
Before I am free?
What burden must I bear
Before I am relieved?
How long must I crawl
Before I can fly?
How long must I live
Before I can die?

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